Tuesday 28 June 2011


Two weeks ago, after leaving the Tower of London, me and my roommate rushed home to pack for Scotland. It was the longest train 5 hour ride to Edinburgh. (Takes deep breath).  When we finally got there, we ran off the train, upset and ready to explore. I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO EMBARRASSED IN MY LIFE!! To be an "AMERICAN" that is.

I've always held my head high, proud to say I'm an American until this ride. The first three hours was the most peaceful place I could ever be. For the first time, everybody smiled and actually had conversations with me regardless of where I'm from. The next couple of hours was hell. Not only because everybody started judging me because of the other "Americans" who got on board, but because all of the stereotypes that people think of us were all true.

About six drunk Caucasians walked in with Whiskey bottles and cups in their hands. I know you might think there's nothing wrong with this picture, but I did until people started treating me differently. They talked about having sex with horses, and putting its sperm in lotion bottles and giving it to friends as pranks. They talked about how they didn't like Obama because he was black (I forgot that still goes on here), as well as making fun of the British accent. They also started spelling words wrong that 5 year olds clearly knows how to spell with their eyes open.

Girl: How to you spell "berry", like strawberry?
Guy: ohhh, you mean "burry" (says in black voice).
Girl: No. "berry". Strawberry, Blueberry, etc.
Guy: B U R R Y!

At this time, I couldn't help but to laugh, because I'm the only real "Black" American on the train, and these caucasions was really acting "Black". On top of that, they played nothing but Tupac, Rick Ross, Kanye West, Lil Wayne and Snoop Dogg on their phone loud enough for everyone to hear. 

I really couldn't understand why they didn't like Obama (our President) so much because he was black, when there are sitting here acting and listening to that music. Then on top of that, HE REALLY DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL "BERRY"! At this time, everybody on the train laughed saying, "Americans are the loudest, dumbest people I've ever known". That really upset me because people really think negative things about us here, and not all of us are like that. All of the things we find "entertaining", is offensive to others.

Finally we got to the room with maps in our hands. The first stop, double decker tour buses. The tour lasted only 30 mins so we decided to take a ghost tour. This tour actually scared me. (We walked around dark haunted buildings listening to stories of the dead).

Sooner or later, I realized that I walked the entire city within 40 mins. This town was really small! I went to the Palace, the Castle, and much more!!

I know this might not seem exciting but right now, I'm trying to post this blog because I was suppose to a week ago!! 

Sorry for the half doing guys!! Stay tuned!! Pictures below!! PLEASE COMMENT!!!!


Tea & Crumps!!

Getting ready to Blow something up at the Castle!


Me && the Roomie!

Loch Ness Looking for Nessie

Nessie wasn't real! =(

Night Life!

Sooo Pretty!!

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